
Established in 2015

In addition to facilitate daily five-time prayers, Masjid Al Falah envisions to provide an avenue to authentic & qualified Islamic knowledge in a traditional yet professional manner to its local Muslim Community and beyond. 

Operational Support

Sheba Group WA Pty Ltd (SHEBA), the owner of the property at 29 Lewis Road, Wattle Grove, Western Australia, has donated a vacant land located at rear end of the property, intending to build the mosque, Masjid Al Falah. The Western Australia Planning Commission (WAPC) and the Shire of Kalamunda have approved this property as a place of worship. 

A non-profit community organisation named as Al Falah Muslim Association Inc (AFMA) has been formed to build and run activities of Masjid Al Falah. Based on the Shura Principle of Islam (as mentioned in Ayat 38 of Surah 42 of the Holy Quran), this association conducts its affairs on mutual consultation and follows the guidance of SHEBA. Prior to building of Masjid Al Falah on the designated donated land, SHEBA has allowed one of its existing buildings on the property to carryout current activities of the Masjid such as daily prayers, Friday Jummah prayers, Taraweeh prayers and Quran lessons. Thanks to SHEBA for its generosity in donating the land and authorising AFMA to build and run activities of Masjid Al Falah for community services.


With this growing Muslim population in the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC), some members of the community have taken initiatives to establish Masjid in this region to provide religious, spiritual and cultural services for the well-being of all Muslims and the local community in relation to all matters concerning cultural integration. The dream of establishing a Masjid in Wattle Grove is one of such initiatives taken by the local Muslims. It was initiated with the daily congregational prayers and weekly Quran lesson program in a house in Wattle Grove. Alhamdulillah! Such dream came to a realty when by the Grace of Allah (ST) a few Muslim families came forward and secured a land on Lewis Road. These families have formed a private limited company named SHEBA Group WA Pty Ltd (SHEBA)  and donated an area of 3,955 sqm of vacant land to build Masjid Al Falah. SHEBA has also allowed one of its buildings adjacent to the donated land to carryout current activities of the Masjid until new building of Masjid Al Falah is being constructed. Having approval of the local city council as a  place of worship, the existing building  has facilities of two toilets, one shower, a small kitchen and an ablution area outside. Alhamdulillah! Daily prayers in addition to Jumuah and Taraweeh prayers are being conducted in the Masjid. Local Muslim families as well as families from surrounding areas regularly join in the weekly Quran lessons and other religious programs.


  • 3rd Shawwal 1433 AH (21st Aug 2012) First congregation with Isha prayer at one house in Wattle Grove
  • 29th Sha’aban 1435 AH (28th Jun 2014) First Taraweeh prayer organised by Wattle Grove Musallah at Woodlupine Community Centre
  • 3rd Safar 1436 AH (16th Nov 2015) First congregation prayer with Isha prayer at Masjid Al Falah
  • 28th Rabiul Awal 1438 AH (30th Dec 2016) First Jumuah prayer at Masjid Al Falah


  • Ensure that practical steps are taken to advance and ensure the progress and security in the moral, social, economic and cultural life of Muslims of Perth Metropolitan area with the objective of enabling them to attain and maintain their rightful and honoured place amongst other communities of Australia through harmonious coexistence, thus contribute towards peace, prosperity and progress of Australia
  • Promote and maintain unity and friendship among the Muslims and other communities both within and outside Western Australia (WA)
  • Represent the Muslims of surrounding areas of the Mosque in the Shire of Kalamunda including Wattle Grove in the Islamic Council of Western Australia
  • Establish and manage a religious library for the Muslim and non-Muslim children and adults of Western Australia
  • Manage, print, publish and/or distribute on request newspapers, journals, periodicals, books, booklets and/or leaflets on Islam
  • Establish and maintain a Mosque/Islamic Centre in Wattle Grove, WA
  • Preserve, promote and safeguard the religious, social and educational interests of the Muslims of Western Australia
  • Discourage the use, by Muslims, of intoxicants, narcotics and any obnoxious things forbidden by Islam
  • Coordinate and manage educational courses on Islam for Muslims and non-Muslims
  • Assist and advise Muslims on all religious matters
  • Implement Islamic Law in marriage, burial and in all fields as allowed by the Laws in force in Australia and Western Australia in particular
  • Vigilantly maintain and apply true Islamic doctrines as contained in the Holy Quran and practiced by the Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W.) at all times in the carrying out of the objectives